Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
First Year B.Sc. Degree Examination- QP Code - 1680
General Psychology and Educational Psychology
January 2007
Time : Three Hours Max.Marks : 80
Your answer shall be specific to the question asked
Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
Long Essay (Answer any two) 2 x 10 = 20
- What is the Nature & Causes of individual differences?
- Write an essay on different types of personality
- Wht is transfer of training? Discuss the theories of transfer.
Short Essays: (Any eight) 8 x 5 = 40
- Briefly describe the organization of personality
- What is thinking? Describe the types of Thinking.
- What are the errors in Thinking?
- How can the achievement of the students be assessed?
- Discuss various economical methods of Memorization. How is it useful in Education?
- Discuss different states of Emotion
- What are errors in Perception? Write the differences
- What is IQ? Discuss the present status of intelligence tests & its uses in Nursing
- Describe the laws of learning & their educational implications
- Varieties of Attention
Shortr Answers: 10 x 2 = 20
- Objective type tests
- Independent & dependent variables
- Genes
- Abstract thinking
- Case study method
- Fluctuation of Attention
- Distributed practice in Memorization
- Need
- Heredity
- Maturation & Learning
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Published checked on 06 09 200